Sex During Quarantine 4/4: Hope in the Erotic

What will be the lasting impact of isolation on our sex lives?

I’m certain this will have a long-lasting impact on our sex lives. Whether it’s positive or negative will remain to be seen. In the past year we learned about the “sex recession.” Millennials are having less sex than generations before. Will this climate of restriction and concern about health and safety impact our culture of liberation when it comes to sex? Only time will tell.

There is hope in the erotic.

On the other hand, this is also a time of massive creativity. People are finding unique ways of coming together and providing mutual aid to their communities. Creativity is where erotic energy resides. It is an active engagement with the unknown. Eroticism is where great sex lives. It’s a life force, an antidote to death, an experience where you can feel deeply alive in the midst of pain. This is the kind of energy and change we need in the world right now.


Sex During Quarantine 3/4: Adventurous From a Distance